Seventh Heaven Ranch
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Seventh Heaven 2008

This Site is in memory of Ozzie

My most trusted mount, never once did you disobey me. She pass on 8/28/99. As I mourn and I cry, I tell her I love her, but never say goodbye, for she is forever at my side and in my heart.

"Do not mourn my passing, for if you could only see by stripping all
my earthly bonds, I'm young again and free. By day I run the heavenly
fields, my body well and strong. At night I sleep at angels' feet,
lulled by celestial song. So do not mourn my passing, just close your
eyes, you'll see I'm once again that gallant horse, as you remember
me." from Beyond the Rainbow Bridge

The History or Story Behind My Site
I use to run a boarding stable in Orlando,Florida. It was a big place with alot of boarders. The number one rule we had was no mistreatment of the horses. As I sat in my office one day looking at the riders I could not believe what I saw. A young lady was beating her horse (Ozzie) in the face with a wip! My heart leap as well as my feet trying to get out the door fast enough. I ran out to the pasture and GRAB the wip out of the ladies hand and took the horse from her. When ask why she was beating the horse her reply was "It is my horse I will do what I want with it." Well not on my property she's not. I escorted her off the property and sieze the horse. I call the local police department and told them what I had done. The next day I went befor a judge and ask for custody of the horse. I was granted custody of the horse and she was order to stay away from the animal. That day I promise Ozzie never would this happen again. Mistreated,scared, under weight, she stood in the back of her stall with her head hung low. She would not come near anyone, you could not touch her. I slept in her stall for 3 nights befor this horse would let me stroke her shoulder. From that day on Ozzie and I were partners. I promise her a place to rest and injoy herself.Soon we move to Live Oak in the north part of Florida. There Ozzie and I rode many trails and I would just sit in the pasture with her while she graze. When talking to her one day I said" Well Ozzie I guess you think you are in Seventh Heaven" She look right at me when the words came out of my mouth. Funny thing, when I was a very young girl I told my mother I was going to have a ranch someday and name it "Seventh Heaven". Ozzie brought back that memory I spoke to my mother, and she all so made it come true.
Seventh Heaven is about helping horses who have been injured and can no longer do there job. A good example is a Throughbred off the track and can no longer run due to injury. We give them the rest they need to get well and we redirect the horse to something more suitable.Depending on the injury and a evaluation from the vet, if he recommends English or Western pleasure then that is were they will be place, if he says only trails then they usely stay on the ranch were they are rode by older people with handicaps, such as a bad back or arthritis. This is a perfact match for a handicap horse and rider. Both are limited to the time and distance they can ride.

This section is for my sisters
For my sister Dottsie, you have battle cancer for the past few years.I thank God everyday that you are here. I look back on very good memories, your knowlege of horses and riding skills I admire.Your courage to go in that ring and take High Point trophy three years in a row made me proud! Tessa "Good Girls Wear Black" would strut her stuff as you que her with out body movement seen to the naked eye. Oh how I admire,love and thankyou for those memories. I am proud to be your sister.
For my sister Cathy, all those years liveing next door to me, when I was down you allways pick me up. You made a statement to me last year,"if I was younger I would love to ride with you" Sis you ride, you just don't know it. When I ride out on a trail you are right there in my heart going with me.Thankyou for all the times you have baby sat my animals for me. It took great courage to handle horse and over come your fear to help me. I have seen you learn so much about them. I love you. For my sister Judy, I love you for all the advice you have gave me through out the years. Your inspiration to futher my education paid off. For that I am eternally gratefull, I can now support myself. I love each and everyone of you.

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The earth is our friend, the animals are are friends,be kind and take care of them, God will reward you.
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