Paralounge Drum Circle
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Paralounge Drum Circle

Seventh Heaven 2008


Spirit of the Drum

The drum possess a healing power which is both physical and spiritual. The source of this power is the very structure of the drum itself. An African hand drum is a union of two life forces--an animal skin and a hardwood tree. The drum is alive.  . . . Now in many African traditions, trees are said to carry all the knowledge of the universe--their roots extend deep into the earth, while their branches touch the sky, so that they are in continual and constant contact with forces which are hidden from the eye of man. When you think of the organic knowledge that a tree has absorbed, you begin to realize that there's a considerable amount of power in a drum.
    This power, however, can only be harnessed if the art of drumming is approached with humility. That is, the drummer must put aside all considerations of personal gain or self-glorification--the object of drumming in the African tradition is not to draw attention to yourself, but to the lifeforce. In order to produce a healing rhythm, therefore, the drummer must serve as an intermediary between the unknown and the community. The drummer opens himself to the unknown and becomes a lightning rod through which the lifeforce--the spiritual energy which permeates the universe--enters the skin and the wood of the drum through his hands to produce a healing rhythm. --  

This is one of my favorite images
This is on my homepage but is my wall paper to. Love this picture!
  I really hope all of you enjoy these photo's
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This is one of my favorite images

The lady and her drum!

This is one of my favorite images

 My favorite tatoo!